Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Our great messenger Mohammed
Who is our great messenger Mohammed (peace be upon him) : His name , His birth , his life, His Mission, His Migration , His Efforts to Spread Islam , His death , know that in brief:   
                              Part 1                                                       

Part 2


When a person says the Shahadah and believes in his or her heart and mind , thereby becoming Muslim, their prior good deeds are retained, all of their prior bad deeds are instantly forgiven and they are granted a new beginning.
No god but God - The first part of the Shahadah states that there is no god in existence besides ALLAH, the One, the Only. Those who believe in Him are expected to affirm His Oneness, to worship Him, to love Him, to have hope in His Mercy and Pardon, to fear His anger, and to obey Him. These are ALLAH's rights. Whoever gives ALLAH His rights earns the right to His forgiveness and exemption from His punishment.
Muhammad is the messenger of ALLAH- This means that Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, is to be believed in as ALLAH's prophet and messenger. Moreover Muslims are required to equally believe in all of ALLAH's earlier prophets who preceded Muhammad, such as Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus among others. Lastly this also means that Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, is ALLAH's final prophet and messenger - foretold by his predecessors, whom no other prophet succeeds.
They surely disbelieve those who say "indeed Allah is one of three" when there is no god save Allah, the One.
Qur'an, al-Maida:73
And do not call upon besides Allah any other god, for there is no god but He. All shall perish save He. His is the Judgement and to Him shall you be brought back.
Qur'an, al-Qasas:88

Answers in brief about:

What is Islam? Who are Muslim? Who is Allah? Who is Muhammed? Why we must worship Allah? What is Quran? Who to become a Muslim?

Some words all our new Muslim brothers and sisters need to know.

The Islamic Way of Life:

In the Holy Qur'an, Allah teaches human beings that they were created in order to worship Him, and that the basis of all true worship is Allah-consciousness. 
Since the teachings of Islamic encompass all aspects of life and ethics, Allah-consciousness is encouraged in all human affairs. 
Islam makes it clear that all human acts are acts of worship if they are done for Allah alone and in accordance to His Divine Law. As such, worship in Islam is not limited to religious rituals. 
The teachings of Islam act as a mercy and a healing for the human soul, and such qualities as humility, sincerity, patience and charity are strongly encouraged. 
Additionally, Islam condemns pride and self-righteousness, since Almighty Allah is the only judge of human righteousness. 
The Islamic view of the nature of man is also realistic and well-balanced. 
Human beings are not believed to be inherently sinful, but are seen as equally capable of both good and evil. 
Islam also teaches that faith and action go hand-in-hand. Allah has given people free-will, and the measure of one's faith is one's deeds and actions. 
However, human beings have also been created weak and regularly fall into sin. This is the nature of the human being as created by Allah in His Wisdom, and it is not inherently "corrupt" or in need of repair. 
This is because the avenue of repentance of always open to all human beings, and Almighty Allah loves the repentant sinner more than one who does not sin at all. 
The true balance of an Islamic life is established by having a healthy fear of Allah as well as a sincere belief in His infinite Mercy.
 A life without fear of Allah leads to sin and disobedience, while believing that we have sinned so much that Allah will not possibly forgive us only leads to despair.
In light of this, Islam teaches that: only the misguided despair of the Mercy of their Lord.
Additionally, the Holy Qur'an, which was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad, contains a great deal of teachings about the life hereafter and the Day of Judgment. 
Due to this, Muslims believe that all human beings will ultimately be judged by Allah for their beliefs and actions in their earthly lives. 
In judging human beings, Almighty Allah will be both Merciful and Just, and people will only be judged for what they were capable of. 
Suffice it to say that Islam teaches that life is a test, and that all human beings will be accountable before Allah. 
A sincere belief in the life hereafter is key to leading a well-balanced life and moral. 
Otherwise, life is viewed as an end in itself, which causes human beings to become more selfish, materialistic and immoral.